What is Artificial Insemination (IUI)?

IUI, or artificial insemination, is a common fertility treatment used for a variety of infertility issues. It is considered a less invasive approach, than some other ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures, because the critical steps necessary for conception must occur as they naturally would, without any medical assistance.

What Happens During IUI

  • During the course of a gynecological exam, the physician will insert a thin, flexible catheter through the patient’s cervix into the uterus to deposit a sperm sample. This insertion is painless and the patient can resume her daily activities within minutes.
  • The sperm inserted into the patient’s uterus has been washed in the laboratory to rid it of seminal fluid and to concentrate it.
  • The sperm can come from the partner (artificial insemination with a partner’s sperm) or from a donor (artificial insemination with donor sperm).

Indications for IUI Using a Partner’s Sperm

  • Mild male factor infertility (slight variation in sperm count, motility or shape)
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Cervical factor infertility
  • Mild endometriosis
  • Repeated unsuccessful cycles of ovarian stimulation and timed intercourse

Indications for IUI Using a Donor’s Sperm

  • Single patients
  • Same sex patients
  • Transgendered patients

Donor sperm comes from accredited sperm banks that meet strict Health Canada standards.  If this is a treatment option for you, the team at RCC Fertility centre will provide you with the necessary information and instruction to move forward.

A session with a trained counselor who specializes in fertility issues is mandatory when using a donor for the artificial insemination process. This session will provide you with the opportunity to discuss common issues concerning this type of insemination, and to help you work through any concerns you may have prior to undergoing the procedure.