Are you hoping to become a mother or are currently trying to conceive without success? At RCC clinics, we know that fertility concerns can be a source of stress for many individuals and couples. Here are some tips to help you better understand your body and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Track your ovulation cycle

It’s essential to track your ovulation cycle and engage in sexual activity during this time for higher chances of conception, with a 20-30% probability of fertilization per cycle. To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it’s recommended to have regular intercourse during this window. Moreover, you can utilize devices to gain a better understanding of your ovulation patterns and become more familiar with your body.

Learn about symptothermal planning

By utilizing the symptothermal method, you can gain a deeper understanding of your body’s menstrual cycle and identify the optimal time for conception. This method involves monitoring your basal body temperature upon waking and examining the changes in your cervical mucus. Not only does this approach aid in detecting ovulation, but it also allows you to appreciate the intricate workings of your body. An elevation in body temperature and the emergence of cervical mucus signals the onset of fertility.

Use apps to track your cycle

There are various free mobile applications that can assist you in tracking your menstrual cycles and fertility.

  • Period Tracker app provides you with different modes to choose from, including the Menstrual Cycle Tracker, Trying to Conceive (TTC) mode, and Pregnancy mode. The TTC mode, in particular, predicts your ovulation and fertility days to identify the best time to conceive a baby.
  • Monthly Cycles is also free and enables you to track your menstrual cycle, temperature, and symptoms to determine your most fertile days.
  • Eve is another free option that allows you to track various aspects, such as your period, temperature, cervical fluids, and other symptoms. Eve predicts fertile windows, ovulation, and your upcoming cycle.

Consider using ovulation tests

If you’re not keen on using technology, don’t hesitate to consider ovulation tests as an alternative. These self-administered tests are designed for those looking to conceive and are readily available at pharmacies. The test detects the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which changes the color of the test strip. A vibrant color band indicates the optimal time for conception. If the band appears faint, the results may not be reliable, and alternative tests should be considered. A negative result is indicated by the absence of any color band.

Know when to consult a fertility professional

If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than a year without success, it may be time to consult a fertility professional. Certain signs such as repeated miscarriages, negative ovulation tests, or health problems affecting the reproductive system may indicate the need for medical assistance. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support and guidance on your journey to parenthood.

Experiencing Multiple Miscarriages

“Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage” refers to the occurrence of three consecutive miscarriages, which could indicate potential fertility issues. If you experience this condition, it is crucial to schedule an appointment with the RCC fertility clinic for a thorough medical evaluation.

Negative or Null Results on Ovulation Tests

In some cases, despite frequent ovulation testing, individuals may receive consistent negative results. This could be due to a lack of ovulation during certain cycles or a low hormone peak that the test is unable to detect. In such situations, alternative and more accurate testing methods should be considered. Additionally, there may be a potential issue with the luteinizing hormone levels that require consultation with a gynecologist or fertility specialist.

Failure to conceive after several months of unprotected intercourse

Although some couples may conceive quickly, not everyone has the same level of success. Typically, it may take between 7 to 9 months to conceive, so there is no need for immediate concern. However, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist for a check-up after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. This allows the couple to receive a referral for additional testing if required. As individuals age, particularly beyond 36-37 years old, it is recommended to consult with a medical professional promptly due to the ticking of the biological clock.

Female reproductive system issues and their impact on fertility

Certain conditions can hinder reproduction, such as polycystic ovaries, which affects almost one in five women and can cause ovulation disorders. This occurs when the egg fails to mature and be released from the ovary. However, drug treatments are available and effective in about 80% of cases, leading to successful ovulation. Other conditions, such as ovarian insufficiency, endometriosis, or abnormalities in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries, can also affect fertility. Seeking consultation with an endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive medicine or a fertility specialist can provide an opportunity to diagnose and treat these fertility-related issues.

Untreated or poorly treated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their impact on fertility

Certain sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis, can have negative effects on fertility. The severity and harmfulness of STIs vary, with some being persistent viruses and others being easily curable bacteria. It is crucial to consult a gynecologist regularly and undergo all necessary tests to detect and treat any STIs.


In conclusion, understanding your body and reproductive health is essential when trying to conceive. By tracking your menstrual cycle, utilizing apps, and considering ovulation tests, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant. It is also crucial to seek medical assistance when necessary, particularly if you have been trying to conceive for an extended period or have experienced recurrent miscarriages or fertility-related issues. Regular consultation with a gynecologist and undergoing all necessary tests to detect and treat any sexually transmitted infections is also vital. By prioritizing your reproductive health and seeking medical assistance when needed, you can increase your chances of starting a family.