Planning a getaway? Fertility treatments don’t have to get in the way of a little rest and relaxation for you and your partner. But the fertility specialists at RCC do suggest planning ahead to avoid disrupting your fertility treatment plan. Learn how to travel stress-free with your fertility medications.

  • Plan your trip around your fertility cycles. Talk to your fertility doctor at RCC in Mississauga and let them know when you’d like to plan a vacation to get their suggestions on timing in case you need to come in for monitoring or another round of treatment.
  • Make sure you have enough fertility medication to get through the trip. And bring a little extra in case your trip gets delayed unexpectedly. You may also want to speak to your physician and find out who to contact in case the medication were to get lost or you end up needing more while on vacation. It’s also smart to find a pharmacy at your destination, should the need arise.
  • Carry appropriate documentation. It is best to bring your fertility medication in your carry on, so you can’t lose it if the airline misplaces your checked luggage. In this case, you should ask your fertility team to provide a note about your medication in case the airline questions the supplies.
  • Be sure to store your fertility medications correctly. If your trip is short and your medications need to stay cool, a small cooler and ice pack should suffice. If you are on a long flight, you may want to ask if you can store it in the fridge on board.

There’s no need to stress when planning a vacation while on fertility medications. Travelling to a relaxing destination will be good for your mental health. Just remember to keep up with your fertility treatment plan and everything will be fine! Contact RCC in Mississauga with any questions, or to schedule an appointment with our infertility doctors.